
Title: Doc Prepared to Run Excursions

ID: cdn.water.boat.0009

TEI-encoded XML: cdn.water.boat.0009.xml

Charles Raben, the piano man of Armour, spent the past week at the home of Mr. Vandel east of town, and while there sold him a beautiful $450 Mahogany cased "Fisher" piano. This is one of the finest pianos ever purchased in these parts and will be a fine and useful ornament for Mr. Vandel's new house.

Mrs. A. Amundson treated the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church to a fine boat ride on the lake Tuesday. They run up to the other end of the lake to the Johnson ranch, where they were met by the Armour aid and all had dinner under the trees. It is needless to say that they all had a fine time.

C. Wendell has made arrangements with Capt. Latham, whereby he gets control of the large excursion boat "Belle of Andes." Mr. Wendell has thoroughly over-hauled the boat, fixed the engine and otherwise improved it. He made a run up the lake last Sunday afternoon, it certainly ran fine never gave the least bit of trouble. "Doc" as he is more familiarly known around here is now prepared to run excursions to any part of the lake.