
Title: White Swan Indian Farmers Organization


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Farmer Conner has succeeded in organizing the above association. On Wednesday, January 6th the organization was completed electing John Gassman, Pres., Thomas Hunter, Vice Pres., and Peter Shields Shield Secretary. After this the intentions and aims for such an organization were set forth by the farmer and interpreted for the benefit of those not understanding English, by Joseph Gassman, official interpreter.

Arthur Stone gave a good talk on "corn cultivation" and was followed by an excellent talk on "the profits to Indians, in raising small bunches of live stock." This was followed by a general discussion after which the following programme program was arranged for January 21, the date of the next meeting:

Opening Address, A. W. Leech, Supt. Report in writing, by every Indian belonging to the association, of the grain, hay, and vegetables raised during the season just closed.

"Successes and errors I have made in growing wheat," by Edwin Garfield and Reuben Spottedeagle.

"Successes and mistakes I have made in growing corn," by Charles LeClair and Joseph Oakiye Ookiye.

"Care and breeding of stock on Indian farms," by Thomas Hunter.

Resolved that: Every thing considered listing is a better method of planting corn than by the check rower."

Affirmative: A. Stone, Joseph Gassman and James Hoyu. Negative: Charles LaClair LeClair Ben LaGrand LaGrande, Joseph Rondell and Isaac Dion.

The aim of these meetings, which will continue through the winter and early spring, is to create a deeper interest among the Indians in farming, gardening, stock raising and care of poultry.

We bespeake bespeak the cooperation and assistance of our white friends and neighbors in this. Remember the Indian is here—a fixture and a quanity that must be dealt with—and that you have elected to come and live among them-not they among you—therefore lend us a helping hand. —Contributed.