
Title: Second VCC Camp Is Located Here


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Second VCC Camp Is Located Here

Tuesday at 1 o'clock a train command of four coaches,three baggage and three freight cars arrived with war veterans and established Camp No. 2759 VCCC at the barracks abandoned last year by Camp 1176, at the Amundson resort on the west end of the lake and east end of town.

Camp was struck and all of the equipment of the train located within two hours, all hands being hungry and particularly active in getting the nine wash boilers seething with hot coffee.

The company's full strength will be 262 men, though only 211 arrived at this time. It is in charge of Capt. H. M. Steele, Lieut. Goodwin, illegible; Lieut. Fagnalia of the medical corps.

The company entrained at Tilford near Deadwood at 6 o'clock Monday morning where the recruiting had been in operation for ten days. Nearly all the members of the company are married men and come from all parts of the state. Their enlistment here includes to Sept. , at which time their services may extend through the winter, though that extension is not now known.

The work they expect to do will be centered on and about the lake and probably will include a dam across the lake at what is known as "The Point" across the lake northeast of Rest Haven, making two lakes of the once famous Lake Andes.