
Title: To Establish Migratory Water-Fowl Refuge


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To Establish Migratory Water-Fowl Refuge

Lake Andes people in particular and the sportsmen in the eastern part of the state in general, will be pleased to learn that the biological survey project director, John N. Ball, will order work started soon on Lake Andes. A Washington dispatch says: "The proposed Lake Andes migratory waterfowl refuge in Charles Mix county has been definitely approved by federal officials in Washington and work on the project will be started within a short time, John N. Ball, biological survey project director for South Dakota, announced today.

"The refuge is the first to be officially approved for this state. It will comprise 344 acres adjoining Owens bay on the east side of the lake and will be known as the Lake Andes Artesian Rest Pond. Options which were secured several weeks ago to the required land are now being taken up.

Will Erect Dike

"A dike will be erected across the outlet of the bay and an artesian well drilled to provide sufficient water," Ball said. Additional water will be secured by diverting part of the flow from a well at the adjoining state fish-hatchery pond.

"Several islands will be thrown up at the bay for nesting purposes. Permanent water level with a maximum depth of about six feet will be maintained. Water and marsh vegegation will grow naturally to provide cover and feed for ducks, geese and other water fowl. The area will be fenced about 50 feet back from the edge of the water. Hunting will be prohibited on the refuge and probably at the mouth of the bay where it joins the lake, but Lake Andes in general will not be closed to shooting.

Use Relief Labor

"Ball said work would be started with relief labor. Later a civilian conservation corps may be located nearby to complete the project. The biological survey will spend about $10,000 on the refuge, exclusive of the amount paid for labor.

"The project director also announced that the biological survey is contemplating the construction of a drainage canal to divert the runoff waters of a 5,000 acre drainage area into Lake Andes proper. He said attempts are now being made to secure options on land for a right of way for the canal.