
Title: Untitled


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Senator Gamble was in town for a short time Friday afternoon, calling on friends.

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Hewett went to Tyndall Wednesday morning, returning the same evening.

Miss Sadie Anderson came up from Vermillion Friday evening to spend Easter at home.

John Stedronsky came up from Wagner on business Monday, returning Tuesday. Attorney Dirks returned from a two weeks' visit with friends at Yankton, Monday.

Stedronsky Bros. have a full line of machinery and hardware. See their advertisement this week.

Roy Tucker and Date Raben were down from Geddes first of the week hunting ducks.

Several prairie fires were burning east of town this week, and considerable property was destroyed, caused by some people being careless. People should be a little more careful about setting fires unless there are good fire guards.

The Alpena Journal came out with eight pages of home print, containing a splendid write up of the town. When Brother Dye took charge of the Journal plant six years ago it was practically a pile of junk, he has made it one of the lceanest and best weekly newspapers of the state.

Belows Wood started for Texas Friday morning, he expects to purchase several car loads of cattle to stock his farm east of town, which he has fitted up in fine shape and where he has just put down an artesian well.

A citizen meeting was called Saturday evening to talk over the ...